Aûtentic Health and Safety Policy_004
Date of next Review: 23.01.2026
1. Background
Aûtentic consultancy and training services Ltd. (Aûtentic) provide tailored consultancy, resources, training and speaking services to organisations, to educate and empower so that autistic people can thrive in all aspects of life. The organisation does not have employees. Catherine Leggett is the Director. Work is carried out on-site, at clients’ premises, and remotely via internet.
Catherine Leggett held an IOS Managing Safely certificate in 2013 and holds all responsibilities for health and safety. The policy will be reviewed annually by Catherine Leggett or immediately if there is a significant change in the organisation or workplace.
2. Policy statement
This is the health and policy statement of Aûtentic. As Director, I am committed to maintaining a safe working environment for myself, and any clients, by actively identifying and managing health and safety risks through both routine risk assessments and dynamic risk assessments, following all relevant safety procedures, and ensuring I am appropriately trained to carry out my work safely.
I am committed to adhering to all relevant health and safety laws, including the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, as well as adhering to clients’ health and safety policies and procedures (where applicable), whilst I carry out work on their premises or within their virtual environments.
My procedure for identifying and evaluating potential hazards in the working environment is to:
- Consider the environment that I am working within and potential hazards and risks, as well as ways to mitigate them, specifically.
- Electrical safety when using mains powered display equipment and laptops/devices containing training content
- Slips, trips and falls from trailing cables in the training environment.
- Consider the content of my training material, and also my conversations with others, and consider the hazards and risks associated with difficult and sensitive topics, as well as ways to mitigate them – including content warnings and de-briefing of others where needed and signposting to professional organisations who can support further.
- Consider the group that I am working with and whether they are defined as ‘vulnerable’ and thereby need to carry out and document a risk assessment prior to starting work.